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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini

How and why does someone say yes to a request and how to make them say yes to your request?

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is a book by Robert Cialdini. The Psychology of Persuasion is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to influence people's behavior.

The book delves into the fascinating world of human psychology and explores the underlying principles and techniques used to persuade and influence others and the psychological factors behind people's inclination to agree or say "yes" to different requests or propositions.

It explores the reasons and principles that influence human behavior and decision-making, shedding light on the underlying motivations for compliance.

Cialdini, a social psychologist, identifies six key principles of influence that have been proven to be powerful drivers of human behavior.

These principles are:

  • Reciprocation: The Old Give and Take…and Take

  • Commitment and Consistency: Hobgoblins of the Mind

  • Social Proof: Truths Are Us

  • Liking: The Friendly Thief

  • Authority: Directed Deference

  • Scarcity: The Rule of the Few

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

The Principles of Influence

Let’s look into each one of them carefully


The rule of reciprocity is one of the most powerful principles of persuasion. It's based on the idea that people feel obligated to repay what they've received.

This principle has been observed in cultures all over the world, and it's been shown to be effective in a wide variety of situations and has been seen as a fundamental principle of human behavior.

How does reciprocity work?

When someone does something nice for us, we feel obligated to do something nice for them in return. This is because we want to maintain a sense of balance in our relationships.

We don't want to feel like we're taking advantage of someone, or that they're taking advantage of us.


There are a few different ways to use the rule of reciprocity to your advantage.

  • One way is to give people something small, such as a free sample or a discount, in the hope that they'll feel obligated to buy something from you in return.

  • This is a common tactic used by salespeople, and it's often very effective.

The rule of reciprocity can also be used to build relationships.

When you do something nice for someone, it makes them feel good about themselves, and they're more likely to want to do something nice for you in return. This can create a cycle of goodwill that can help to strengthen your relationships.

Here are some tips for using the rule of reciprocity effectively:

  • Make sure the gift or favor is something that the other person will appreciate.

  • Don't expect anything in return immediately.

  • Be genuine and sincere in your interactions.

  • Don't overdo it. If you give too much, the other person may feel uncomfortable or indebted to you.

Commitment and Consistency

Commitment and consistency are the principle that people are more likely to agree to a request if they've already made a small commitment to it. This is because people want to be consistent with their past behavior, even if that behavior was made under pressure or without much thought.

How does commitment and consistency work?

There are a few different ways that commitment and consistency can work.

  • One way is asking someone to make a small commitment, and then using that commitment as a starting point to ask for a larger commitment.

  • For example, a salesperson might start by asking a customer to sign a petition or make a small donation.

  • Once the customer has made this small commitment, they're more likely to agree to a larger request, such as buying a product or making a donation.

The principles of commitment and consistency can also be used to get people to change their behavior.

Here are some tips for using the principle of commitment and consistency effectively:

  • Start with a small commitment.

  • Make the commitment seem easy to fulfill.

  • Ask for a public commitment.

  • Make the commitment seem like a personal choice.

  • Follow up on the commitment.

Social Proof

Social proof is the principle that people are more likely to do something if they see that other people are doing it.

This is because people want to fit in and conform to the norms of the group.

How does social proof work?

There are a few different ways that social proof can work.

  • Use of testimonials.

    • Testimonials are statements from other people who have used a product or service and who are satisfied with it.

    • When people see that other people have had a positive experience with a product or service, they're more likely to want/buy to try it themselves.

  • Use of social media.

    • When people see that their friends and family are using a product or service, they're more likely to want to use it themselves.

    • This is because people trust the opinions of their friends and family more than they trust the opinions of strangers.

You can also use social proof to create a sense of urgency.

For example, you might say that a product is only available for a limited time, or that there are only a few spots left in a class.

Here are some examples of social proof in action:

  • A restaurant that displays positive reviews from customers on its website.

  • A clothing store that uses social media to show that celebrities and influencers are wearing its clothes.

  • A business that offers a free trial of its product so that people can try it before they buy it.


The liking principle states that people are more likely to be persuaded by people they like.

This is because people are more likely to trust and agree with people they like.

What are some of the factors that contribute to liking?

  • Proximity

    • People are more likely to like people who they are physically close to.

    • This is because they have more opportunities to interact with each other and to get to know each other.

  • Similarity

    • People are more likely to like people who are similar to them in terms of their beliefs, values, and interests.

    • This is because they feel a sense of connection with people who share their experiences and perspectives.

  • Physical attractiveness

    • People are more likely to like people who are physically attractive.

    • This is because physical attractiveness is often seen as a sign of health, intelligence, and status.

  • Compliments

    • People are more likely to like people who compliment them, remember fake compliments can be seen from far away, be genuine in your compliments.

    • This is because compliments make people feel good about themselves, and they are more likely to be receptive to the opinions of people who make them feel good.

  • Humor

    • People are more likely to like people who make them laugh.

    • This is because humor can create a sense of rapport and connection between people.

Here are some additional tips for using the principle of liking effectively:

  • Be genuine. People can tell when you are being fake, so it is important to be genuine in your interactions with people.

  • Be respectful. Treat people with respect, even if you don't like them. This will make them more likely to like you in return.

  • Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. People will be able to tell, and they will be less likely to like you.


The principle of authority states that people are more likely to be persuaded by people they perceive as being in a position of authority.

People are more likely to trust and be influenced by people who they believe know more than them or who have more power than them.

The principle of authority works because people have a natural tendency to follow those whom they perceive as being in a position of authority.

This is likely due to the fact that we have evolved to trust those who appear to be more knowledgeable and powerful than us. In the past, this was a survival mechanism that helped us to avoid danger and to make good decisions.

What are the factors that contribute to authority?

There are a few different factors that contribute to authority, including:

  • Titles:

    • People are more likely to be persuaded by people who have titles that suggest authority, such as "doctor," "lawyer," or "professor."

  • Uniforms:

    • People are more likely to be persuaded by people who wear uniforms that suggest authority, such as police officers or firefighters.

  • Physical appearance:

    • People are more likely to be persuaded by people who appear to be confident and in control.

  • Behavior:

    • People are more likely to be persuaded by people who behave in a way that suggests authority, such as speaking in a clear and authoritative voice.

The best example of this principle is the movie Catch Me if you can where Leonardo DiCaprio becomes a doctor, lawyer, and pilot and cons others just based on his uniform and his demeanor.


The principle of scarcity states that people are more likely to want something if it is scarce or in limited supply.

People have a natural tendency to value things that are scarce more than things that are abundant.

The principle of scarcity works because it creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

  • When something is scarce

    • People know that they may not be able to get it again, so they are more likely to want it.

    • This creates a sense of urgency, as people know that they need to act quickly if they want to get the product or service.

    • E-commerce websites use this while showing how many stocks of the product are left.

  • Scarcity also creates a sense of exclusivity.

    • When something is scarce, it is only available to a select few, which makes people feel special if they are able to get it.

    • This can be a powerful motivator, as people want to feel like they are part of a select group.

    • Limited edition products use this as a method to bring in exclusivity.

How can I use the principle of scarcity to influence people?

There are a few different ways that you can use the principle of scarcity to influence people:

  • Use limited-time offers

    • This means offering a product or service at a discounted price for a limited time only.

    • This creates a sense of urgency, as people know that they may not be able to get the deal again if they don't act quickly.

  • Use limited-quantity offers

    • This means making a product or service available in limited quantities.

    • This creates a sense of exclusivity, as people know that only a select few will be able to get the product or service.


The principles listed above do work if implemented in a proper way, but always remember to use them ethically and responsibly. Using them un-ethically will come bit you in the future. Your character will matter more in the long run which will in term help you build relationships and be a better person.

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